Charlottetown, PE - Today the Green Party of Prince Edward Island announced details for its upcoming leadership contest, including the date for the election of a new Party leader. Green Party of PEI members will have the opportunity to cast their vote for a new leader at a leadership convention to be held on June 7, 2025.
Applications for prospective leadership candidates will open on February 1, 2025.
“With the political landscape shifting, Islanders are telling us they want a Green leader in place well ahead of the next provincial election,” said Kathy Low, President of the Green Party of PEI. “Knowing that the Green Party is the government in waiting, Provincial Council understands the importance for both the Party and Islanders of electing a permanent Green leader.”
The newly-elected leader will take over from interim leader Karla Bernard, who was appointed by the Green Party’s Provincial Council in July 2023.
“It’s truly been an honour serving as the Interim Leader. My goal has always been to act as a bridge to the next leader of the Party as chosen by the members,” said Bernard. “You can feel a real energy and momentum growing across the province for the Green Party. I’m looking forward to working with the next leader to continue advocating on behalf of Islanders and building a better province together.”
Islanders are increasingly frustrated with the King government’s lack of fiscal responsibility and transparency, which has many looking for a new vision and plan for our province. The Green Party is ready to bring solutions to problems that have long been neglected by Liberal and PC governments, including in healthcare, housing, land, and affordability.
The application and rules for the 2025 leadership contest will be made available on February 1, 2025.
For media inquiries, please contact:
Kathy Low
President of the Green Party of PEI