About Us
The Green Party of Prince Edward Island was founded in 2005 to bring our core values of Ecology, Local Self-Reliance, Participatory Democracy, Social Justice & Equality, and Non-violence into Island politics.
In the 2015 general election, the Green Party of PEI made its first electoral breakthrough when then Party Leader, Peter Bevan-Baker was elected by a landslide in District 17. Two years later, in November 2017, Peter Bevan-Baker was joined in the legislature by Hannah Bell, who was first elected in a by-election in District 11 Charlottetown-Parkdale (now Charlottetown-Belvedere).
In the April 2019 general election, the Island Greens made history by forming the first Green Official Opposition in Canadian history, with a caucus of 8 MLAs in the 27-seat PEI Legislature with a minority government. The Green Official Opposition Caucus, which stands out by consisting of a majority of women in a legislature where women MLAs have been chronically underrepresented, has already made a name for itself as the most influential Official Opposition in PEI's history, passing a number of bills and driving legislative initiatives such as the the Special Committee on Climate Change, which is tasked with creating a plan to meet the most ambitious carbon reduction targets in Canada, and the Special Committee on Poverty, which is working on a costed proposal for a Basic Income Guarantee pilot program for Prince Edward Island.
In the 2023 Provincial Election, Peter Bevan-Baker and Karla Bernard were re-elected and returned to the PEI Legislature as the Green Opposition caucus. In July 2023 Karla Bernard became the Interim Leader of the Green Party of PEI.
Are you passionate about the future of Prince Edward Island, and excited about the role our little island can play as a social, economic and ecological model for the world? Then we hope that you, too, will get involved by becoming a member, making a donation or volunteering. At the very least, we hope you'll allow us to stay in touch by joining our mailing list so that we can send you periodic newsletters about things we're working on and upcoming events in your community.