Statement from Karla Bernard: King Government Must Support Workers Already Here and Grandfather Them in to New Immigration Policy

Charlottetown, PE - The King government’s decision to pull the rug out from under immigrant workers who are already working on PEI towards their permanent residency is cruel and unfair. This knee-jerk decision yet again demonstrates Premier King’s inability to plan ahead and make forward-thinking decisions when it comes to our growing population.

I am calling on the King government to work with immigrant workers currently on PEI to grandfather them in to the province’s new immigration policy.

While it is true that we need more workers in sectors like healthcare, childcare, and construction, the government should be working with workers who are currently here and want to enter these sectors - not against them. These workers came to PEI through a previous set of rules, which they have been following diligently - it is completely unacceptable to change the rules halfway through, throwing them out of the place they chose as their new home, and say you’re playing fair.

Our population is growing faster than our schools, hospitals and roads can keep up. Instead of turning workers away who already call PEI home - why not work with them to help build the infrastructure and work in sectors we so desperately need?

Karla Bernard

Leader of the Third Party

MLA Charlottetown-Victoria Park