Grassroots Policy Development
The Green Party of PEI's Grassroots Policy Development process was first launched in January 2020, with the first policy resolutions being adopted by members at our Spring 2021 online Annual General Meeting and the second set of policy resolutions being adopted during the Spring 2022 online Annual General Meeting.
The Motions Submission Process is open to Green Party of PEI Members on an ongoing basis, with motions having an opportunity to be discussed and voted on by the whole membership during Annual General Meetings and/or policy conventions.
Members with policy ideas (or a desire to help develop policy in a particular area) are encouraged to contact the Motions Development Committee at motions@peigreens.ca with your ideas, for assistance in turning your idea into policy that can be adopted by the Green Party membership.
The Motions Development Committee can help to:
- Connect you with other members who share your policy interests.
- Organize a policy work-shopping exercise to engage you and others in a process of exploring a policy problem with an aim to identifying the most effective policy solutions.
- Guide you through the motions development process from the idea stage to getting on the floor of a General Meeting.
There are three types of motions that may be considered at a General Meeting or Convention:
- Policy motions - motions that articulate what the Green Party supports and will work towards.
- Governance motions - motions to amend the Constitution or Bylaws of the Green Party of PEI.
- Directives - motions that direct Provincial Council to take a particular action.
Got an idea for a motion that you'd like to discuss with other GPPEI members? Why not join them on our Loomio discussion space and start a new discussion "thread"! Members can join the Loomio discussion by emailing us at admin@peigreens.ca and we will set you up on the group .
Policy motions:
- Review the Members' Guide to Policy Motions (Members can email us at admin@peigreens.ca and we will link you to a copy) to find out how to draft a good policy motion and how to get started. If you have an idea for a motion, you are encouraged to reach out to the Motions Development Committee as early as possible by writing to motions@peigreens.ca. They will be able to provide guidance and may be able to connect you with a volunteer Policy Helper or with other members sharing your interests.

- Download a copy of the Motion Submission Form to fill out (click here to make a copy in Google Docs, or here to download a Word file).
- Email the first draft of your motion to motions@peigreens.ca. Your first draft doesn't have to be perfect - the Motions Development Committee will provide feedback, and help you create opportunities for member feedback, to help strengthen and improve your final motion. We recommend getting started sooner rather than later to allow plenty of time for your motion to come together with rich feedback from other members.
Governance motions and Directives:
- You can find a copy of the GPPEI Constitution and Bylaws here. For any proposed new or amended bylaws or constitutional articles, be very specific about what you want to change, and check to see if the changes you are proposing will require amendments to other parts of of the Constitution & Bylaws, too.
- Ensure that your Directive motion is consistent with the Constitution & Bylaws.
- Download a copy of the Motion Submission Form to fill out (click here to make a copy in Google Docs, or here to download a Word file).
- Email the first draft of your motion to motions@peigreens.ca. Your first draft doesn't have to be perfect - the Motions Development Committee will provide feedback, and create opportunities for member feedback, to help strengthen and improve your final motion.