Leadership 2025 Candidate - Hannah Bell

Hannah Bell is one of the contestants running for the leadership of the Green Party of PEI. Please see below for more information about Hannah and how you can support her leadership bid.

Note that in order to vote in the leadership contest, you must sign up to be a member by May 8, 2025. You may opt to become a member when you donate a minimum of $10 in support of a leadership candidate. If you wish to become a member without supporting a specific candidate at this time, please click here.

Here's how you can support Hannah Bell in the leadership contest:

1. Each leadership contestant is required to be nominated by at least 50 members in good standing. To nominate Hannah, click the "Nominate Hannah" button below.

2. In order to stay in the leadership contest, Hannah Bell is required to fundraise at least $10,000 from supporters by May 8th, 2025, with the first $5000 due by April 10th. To donate in support of Hannah Bell's leadership campaign, please click the Donate button below.

3. Contact Hannah at: hannahbellpei@gmail.com to offer your support or ask any questions you may have!

By donating, you are declaring that you are a private individual ordinarily resident on PEI, and thus legally eligible to make a political contribution under PEI law, and that you are making this donation using a personal credit or debit card under your own name.

Proceed below to make a donation now using a credit or debit card, or click here for more information including how to donate by cheque, cash or email money transfer.

Hannah Bell  - Leadership 2025 Candidate

Hannah Bell holds an MBA in Innovative Management from UPEI, a diploma in Computer Science, and certificates in Project Management and Climate Leadership. She has held senior positions at Veterans Affairs Canada and Timeless Technologies in Charlottetown, and has been a leader in her community as the Executive Director of the PEI Business Women’s Association, and Community Lead for Startup Canada in PEI.

Hannah serves on a number of Boards including the PEI Coalition for Women in Leadership and the PEI Rape and Sexual Assault Centre. She is a member of the Y Service Club of Charlottetown, the Rotary Club of Charlottetown, and is the Chair of the PEI Rotary Literacy Foundation.

Hannah was elected to the Legislative Assembly of PEI in November 2017 joining Peter Bevan-Baker as the second Green MLA in PEI. She was re-elected in 2019 as part of the first-ever Green Opposition caucus, holding a number of key roles including: Critic for Social Development and Housing, Finance, and Climate Action; Chair of the Public Accounts Committee; and member of the Special Committee on Poverty in PEI.

Hannah successfully passed six pieces of legislation during her service as an MLA - most notably the renoviction moratorium and the Poverty Elimination Strategy Act.

Hannah currently works as an independent management consultant providing services to nonprofits, small businesses and educational institutions in PEI. She lives in Parkdale with her daughter Ava Grace, her mother Judith, three dogs and two cats. When she’s not working or volunteering, Hannah can be found in her garden, at the beach, or walking those dogs.

Change happens when committed individuals decide to make a difference. Then, they take action, inspiring and supporting those around them to believe a better future is possible and achievable. True leaders understand that change is difficult—it takes time, dedication, and a clear sense of purpose, especially in moments of conflict, uncertainty, and challenge.

Islanders are looking for leadership that faces these challenges head on, with bold solutions, and creative, people-centred actions that foster healthy and prosperous communities.

I deeply believe leaders should serve, provide direction, and make decisions based on evidence, expert input and risk assessment, which in politics is essential.

I have worked to make positive change in my community all of my life, through advocacy, elected position, and decisive action. I have never been afraid to speak truth to power, or take positions that are not easy but are necessary to make positive change. I am also not afraid of the hard work required to build momentum through networks, membership, media, and community engagement.

There is a growing hunger for political leadership that is prepared to take clear and bold positions on the challenges of the day, and that will make commitments to policy and action that deliver hope. I am seeking the leadership nomination for the Green Party of PEI as I believe that my life experience and proven leadership skills can provide the guidance and vision to make the changes we need for the Island we love.