Become a Green Party of PEI Member

Becoming a Member of the Green Party of PEI is easy! You can become a Member by making a donation of $10 or more. Your membership will be valid for one year from the date of your registration and will be extended by further donations during the year.

 To activate your Membership using a debit or credit card click on the Membership button below. Or, if you prefer, download and complete this form, then mail it to us along with a cheque or money order, or send an e-transfer for $10 or more. When making your Membership donation you can opt to make it a much appreciated Recurring Donation. You decide the amount and frequency (monthly or quarterly) of your recurring donation. If you wish to use an e-transfer complete the Email Transfer Donation Form and then make an e-transfer as indicated on the form.

Membership Donation Rules

Under PEI law, we may only accept contributions from private individuals who are residents of Prince Edward Island. By checking this box, you are certifying that you meet both of these criteria and that you are making this donation using a personal credit or debit card under your own name.

Each PEI resident may donate a maximum of $3,300 in 2025 to the Green Party and its candidates. The maximum annual tax credit is $500, reached after donating $1150.  Tax receipts can only be issued for annual contributions exceeding $25.