Donation info
Thank you for supporting our vision for a kinder, cleaner and more prosperous PEI.
The Green Party of PEI has ALWAYS been fueled entirely by donations from people like you.
If you would like to make a donation in support of a particular District Association, you can do so via the District Association pages found here.
You can make a financial contribution right now using a credit or debit card on our donation page, or you can also donate by the other methods described below. All information submitted via our website is transmitted securely using state of the industry encryption technology. For more information about how we safeguard the privacy and security of your personal information, please read our Privacy & Security Policy. You may also write to us at, or call 1-855-PEGREEN (1-855-734-7336).
Please note that by law, we can only accept contributions from private individuals who are residents of Prince Edward Island, and the maximum annual contribution for 2024 is $3250 (this amount increases by $50 each year).
Other donation methods:
If you'd prefer to donate by cheque (we love cheques, there are no processing fees!) you can send it to: Green Party of PEI, 81 Prince Street, Charlottetown PE, C1A 4R3. Please be sure to include your mailing address if it is not printed on the cheque. If applicable, be sure to write the name of the District Association or Campaign you may wish to target your donation to on the memo line!
Email transfers are another easy (and fee-free!) way to donate. Just complete the Email Transfer Donation Form and then make an email transfer as indicated on the form.
Thanks so much for your contribution to a greener tomorrow for PEI!
Tax Credits
If you pay income tax you can receive a generous provincial tax rebate for your political party donation
- Annual donations between $25.01 and $100 receive a 75% refund.
- Annual donations between $100 and $550 get a 75% refund on the first $100 and a 50% refund on the balance.
- Annual donations greater than $550 receive the lesser of
- $300 plus 33 1/3 % of the amount by which the aggregate amount contributed exceeds $550.
- $500, or the amount of the tax payable.
See the table below for more examples of the tax credit you can receive for various levels of annual donation.

The table below illustrates the annual tax credits you would expect to receive for different monthly recurring donations: