Become a Green Party Member
Members of the Green Party of PEI are Islanders who want to play an active part in bringing positive change to their communities. Are Green values your values? Do you want to see more policies and legislation that are based on these values? Do you enjoy spending time with people who hold the same values and vision for our province? Then join us and help us to make it happen.
Green Party Members shape the future of the Party and the political future of PEI!
Decide on Green Party Candidates and Provincial Council Members
Play an Active Role in Proposing and Approving Policies
Participate in Party Committees and Caucuses
Help make important Party decisions
Being a member is a private decision - the names of Party members are never shared publicly. Your employers, friends and family will only know if you decide to tell them, or if you take on a public role as a Green.
Who can join?
Any citizen or permanent resident of Prince Edward Island, who is at least fourteen years old or older, is eligible for membership in the Party, with full voting rights, provided the person is not a member of any other provincial political party. By becoming a member, you are also agreeing to uphold the Constitution & Bylaws and to respect the Code of Conduct & Ethics of the Green Party of Prince Edward Island.
Persons who are at least 12 but less than 14 years old may be designated a Youth Member, without full voting rights.