Support the Green Vision                 Donate to Peter's Legacy Fund

 Every dollar donated to Peter's Legacy Fund will go toward making the Green vision for PEI a reality.

               Before you start, check out the tax credits that your contribution is eligible for!

Annual contribution

Monthly contribution

Proceed below to make a donation now using a credit or debit card, or click here for more information including how to donate by cheque, cash or email money transfer. 

Each PEI resident may donate a maximum of $3150 in 2023 to the Green Party and its candidates. The maximum annual tax credit is $500, reached after donating $1150.  Tax receipts can only be issued for annual contributions exceeding $25.

Contribution Rules

Under PEI law, we may only accept contributions from private individuals who are residents of Prince Edward Island. By checking this box, you are certifying that you meet both of these criteria and that you are making this donation using a personal credit or debit card under your own name.